| visualisation.get_representative_loops (pandas.DataFrame dgm, R, filt) |
| Get representative of each homology class in dimension 1.
| visualisation.get_0_and_1_cycles (loop, filt) |
| Get the vertices and edges of a loop.
| visualisation.loop_composition (verts, filt, points, atom_types) |
| Get the composition of a given representative.
| visualisation.generate_visulisation_df (pandas.DataFrame dgm, R, filt, points, atom_types) |
| generate the pandas.DataFrame containing the information about the points so we can display it
| visualisation.get_neighbour_cells (pandas.DataFrame points, list cycle_vertices, filt) |
| Get the neighbouring cells of a given cycle.
| visualisation.generate_display (pandas.DataFrame points, pandas.DataFrame dgm, int id, filt, neighbours=False) |
| Display a representative of a cycle.